Life process-- Transportation


Transportation is a process in which a substance absorbed in one part of the body of an organism is carried to other part of its body through various means.

Transportation in human beings

The transport system of human beings consists of circulating fluid called blood which is pumped by a muscular organ hot and a system of interconnecting tubes that is blood vessels.


it is a red coloured fluid connective tissue which circulates in our body.
the red colour used imported by pigment called hemoglobin in the red cells.
the deficiency of hemoglobin in our body is referred to as anaemia.
Two types of blood which flow in our body are

1.Oxygenated : oxygen is attached to the haemoglobin of the blood.
2.Deoxygenated: carbon dioxide and little oxygen is  attached  to the haemoglobin of the blood.

Components of blood and their characteristics
1. Plasma:  it constitutes about 55% of blood volume.  it mainly consists of 92% water and 8% transport food, carbon dioxide , hormones,antibodies and urea in dissolved form.

2. Blood cells or corpuscles: this constitutes about 40% of the blood.
Three types of blood cells are present red blood cell, white blood cells and platelets.

Functions of blood

  1. it helps in transport of nutrients to all parts of the body for storage ,oxidation and synthesis of new substances.
  2. It is involved in transport of excretory products like urea, uric acid and ammonia.
  3. It helps in transport of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide to all the tissues of the body for respiration.
  4. Blood acts as buffer system in our body. It helps in recognition of PH and body temperature.
  5. class of flood helps to transport hormones from their place of senses to the target organs.
And many more functions

Maintenance by platelets

in case of any injury when bleeding occurs the loss of blood from the system has to be minimised.
Liquorice leads to loss of pressure which reduces the efficiency of pumping system.
to prevent this platelet circulate on the body and former miss like network for plot at the site of injury blood clotting in some mechanism that prevents the loss of blood from the site of an injury or wound by forming a blood clot.
