Respiration in plants
Plants need energy to grow and perform essential functions.They obtain the energy through the process of respiration.
generally plants do not have any special organ to perform this process. Exchange gases through stomata and large intercellular spaces.
Gaseous exchange in roots
the exchange of gases in roots of a plant takes place by the process of diffusion from the air present in between the soil particles. Oxygen diffuses into the root hair and passes into the root cells from where the carbon dioxide moves into the soil.
Gaseous exchange in stems
in woody plants gaseous exchange occurs through the small force in the stem called lenticles.on the other hand in herbaceous plants stomata on the stains aid in the respiratory process.
Gaseous exchange in leaves
In leaves respiration takes place by diffusion of oxygen through stomata into the cells of the leaf.
Stomata are the aerating pores present on the epidermis of the leaf. Each stomata is borderd by bean shaped guard cell wearing chloroplast in them.
during daytime when photosynthesis occurs the carbon dioxide is rapidly used up while the oxygen release is the major event.on the other hand during night time the elimination of carbon dioxide takes place.
Respiration in animals
Respiration in aquatic organisms
The rate of breathing in aquatic organism is always faster than the rate of breathing in terrestrial organism.
This is because of aquatic animals have to obtain oxygen from water.
fishes take in water through their mouth and force it passed the gills where the dissolved oxygen is taken up by blood.
Respiration in terrestrial organisms
terrestrial organisms use atmospheric oxygen for respiration which is absorbed by different organs in different animals.
all these organs have a structure that increases the surface area and is in contact with the oxygen rich atmosphere.
to protect the surface it is usually placed within the body will protected so there are numerous passage that will take care to this area.
Functions of respiratory system
- Nostrils: air is taken into the body through nostrils that filter air by fine hairs that line it.
- nasal passage: air entering from nostrils lead to the nasal passage it is responsible for the conditioning of the air mainly.
- Pharynx: pharynx is a national chamber that opens into larynx and passes air to larynx.
- Larynx: it is located in neck and helps to protect trachea. it also produces sound.
- Trachea: air passes from pharynx and goes into trachea. incomplete rings of cartilage keep trachea open allowing the passage of air to the lungs and also prevent it from collapsing when there is no air in it.
- Bronchi:trachea divides into two smaller tubes on entering the thoracic cavity which further extends into lungs.
- Bronchioles: bronchi is further divided into smaller tubes called bronchioles.
- Alveoli: these are balloon like structure located inside lungs. A large number of alveoli increases the surface area for the exchanging of gases.
- Ribs: these are 12 pairs of bones that form a cage in which lungs and heart are safely placed. Movement of intercostal muscles attached to ribs helps in breathing.
- Lungs: these are primary organs for respiration which are located on the two sides of heart.the transport of O2 from the atmosphere into blood and release CO2 from blood to atmosphere.
- Diaphragm: it is a muscular partition between thorax and abdomen and forms the base of the chest cavity.
The process of taking in oxygen from the atmosphere is called inhalation.It is completed in 4 steps.
- air is taken in into the body through nostrils where it is filtered by hairs and mucus.
- The air then passes down through trachea.
- Chest cavity becomes larger by flattend diaphragm and lifted ribs.
- Air is sucked into the lungs and fills the alveoli.
Exchange of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in alveoli
It is completed in 4 steps
- blood releases carbon dioxide into that it brings from rest of the body.
- Oxygen is taken up by blood from alveolar air to blood vessels.
- hemoglobin takes up oxygen from lungs and carries it to tissues which are deficient in oxygen.
- oxygen in blood is then transported to all cells in the body by respiratory pigment and due to diffusion pressure.
It is also completed in 4 steps.
- Carbon dioxide is transported in dissolved form in blood.
- From blood carbon dioxide passes to the alveoli.
- chest cavity is compressed due to relaxation of ribs and diaphragm.
- Does the air is forced out of lungs to atmosphere.
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